How to perfectly score IELTS Test

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is most famous English language test which students must clear to study abroad and to pursue higher studies. Know how to perfectly score in the IELTS test with professional guidance to
As per statistics are given by IELTS, students who are clearing and getting band score above 7.5 are only 5 % most of the students are only scoring 5.5 are about 24% and about 21% of students are only scoring 6 band score. Studying for this test involve a lot of effort and one has to improve their skills in the English language, Understanding the test format before starting preparation is the must for students and should know the best way to score perfectly in IELTS test. Join thebest IELTS Coaching Center in Mumbai for professional mentors to help you prepare well. This article will guide you through it thoroughly.
There are two versions of IELTS one is IELTS academic and other is IELTS General. Academic IELTS is to test Students English language proficiency to join the academic courses like graduate and post graduate programs in the United Kingdom. Whereas IELTS general involves testing English language skills which are needed for everyday tasks in the United Kingdom for non-English speakers. Both of the version has Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. Listening section of the test has Standard English with native speaker accent such as New Zealand, British, Australian, and North American. Prepare from the top IELTS preparation institute in Mumbai – sign up for classes today.
Both Academic and General Section has similar Listening and Speaking sections in exams with same exam pattern. Whereas Reading and Writing section differs, Academic version of the IELTS involves more complicated texts when compared to reading and the writing section of the general version of the IELTS exam. IELTS involves Listening part for 30 min and 60 min of reading, 60 min of Writing, 11 to 14 min of speaking with a total of 3 hr exam including 10 min extra for listening part which is allocated to transfer answer to your answer sheet.
Divide the preparation time for the each section of the exam and dedicate 1 hr a day for each section to excel that section.
The main purpose of the IELTS test is testing students ability to understand the what others are speaking with different accents, Exam will have pre-recorded CD-ROM and will test student by asking what the main purpose of the conversation, Opinions, Ideas, Attitude of the Conversation, lecture or from the everyday situation.
Listen as many as you can from the audio files you can get from online and make out points on what they are trying to convey and write it down.
Similar to listening section, Reading section will test student reading skills, if they can able to understand the basic idea and purpose of the passage you just read and could write it down what text is trying to convey in terms of opinions and attitude, you are done with it.
Now with Listening and reading, it is proved that you can understand what is conveyed, but for better communication one should be able to explain the ideas and concepts clearly and in an understanding manner for others. Improve your Vocabulary and grammar accurately and should be able to organize the ideas.
Not only with Writing, student should be able to convey message orally to another person to be able to finish their academic studies in the United Kingdom without a problem. Have English Discussions with friends on different topics on daily basis, form a group for this purpose.
Take as many as free Text practice sections available in online as possible. More one practice the better it is to clear the exam.


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